The blog of the Blessed Sacrament Parish website in Ottawa, Canada.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
First week of Lent
James 2:14-18
The first week of Lent often seems to be accompanied by questions along the lines of ‘What are you giving up for Lent?’ followed by laudable personal goals like eating or drinking less, exercising more and so on.
Then, as the 40 days go on, or after them, this exercise in privation in the face of temptation sometimes ebbs away, much to our chagrin.
To encourage us in our efforts, some priests have preached about Jesus Christ’s 40 days and 40 nights of fasting and temptation by the Devil in the desert.
But when I think of Lent in this way, it seems that when many of us ask ourselves what our act of faith will be, we are framing the question in the negative, rather than the positive.
It’s as though we make a deal with ourselves that this is the penance we will choose for ourselves for this period of time and then it’s back to business as usual.
It’s almost as though we are implying to ourselves that we think the loving God we worship wants us to harm ourselves.
Maybe a more successful way to achieve what we set out for ourselves during Lent is to flip this logic on its head: our loving God actually wants us to choose a course of action during these 40 days to get rid of some of the junk in our lives.
And that by praying for God’s support in this crucial period when trying to shed old, harmful habits, proves most difficult, we end the exercise taking one step closer to our loving God.
Our Parish Lenten Journey
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Christian Meditation Ministry
Blessed Sacrament’s Christian Meditation Ministry promotes the practice of Christian meditation in our Parish. If you are interested in learning about Christian meditation, we invite you to join us. Youth are especially welcome.
Meeting Details
We meet every Sunday, from 7:00 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. in the Parish Library. At our meetings, we listen to a recording of a talk by Father John Main. Then, we meditate for 25 minutes.
What Is Christian Meditation?
Christian meditation is a practice through which we quiet the mind and become still and attentive to God. It is a prayer of silence that takes us beyond words, thoughts and images to experience the presence of Christ in us.
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